Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stool-Chair Hybrid Swings into the Office

Driven crazy by a work colleague who constantly jiggles and shifts in his chair? Then don?t let them see the Muvman, because if they ever sit on one, they?ll jiggle the hell out of it.

The chair/stool is more of a comfy thing to lean on than an actual chair to sit on. You adjust the height, just like you would with an office chair, between 51cm and 84cm (20-33-inches) or 60cm and 93cm (24-37-inches) for the tall model. Lean back and park yourself in the contoured seat and you are supported, but the shaft can swing around, too, pivoting from the base. Thus you are always on the move, which keeps your blood pumping and your muscles moving as you work. It also stops you from hunching your back.

The Muvman looks like a very nice compromise between the spine-folding evils of a chair and the vegan, wholemeal option of a standing desk. Available now for around ?400 ($550).

Muvman product page [Swopper]

See Also:

canderson windows apple brick apple company history apple computers

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