Before you watch this video, make sure you have $50 spare, because you?re going to need it. The product is the GoPano lens for the iPhone, and it lets you shoot 360� video.
The lens is held over the iPhone?s lens using a supplied case, and the camera looks in all directions, all the time. It?s all done with mirrors: a curved mirror bounces the image down through the lens whereupon it is bounced again at 90� into the iPhone. Companion software un-warps the image and shows it on screen. As you can?t show the whole lot at once, you can pan around by touching as you record or play back. Think of it as a mini Google Streetview camera.
I?d totally buy one to play with if I had an iPhone. Sports is the obvious subject. I would clamp this to the top of my helmet whilst playing bike polo, so after the game I could play back what I have already seen, and also what was going on behind me. If I?d have had this several months ago, I might have been able to find out which joker broke my leg during my last game.
GoPano already makes versions for regular cameras, but these cost from $700 to $1,100 and look very vulnerable, holding the mini out on a thin stalk in front of the camera?s lens. This makes the $50 asking price for the iPhone version all the more surprising. The project is being funded by Kickstarter, but the $20,000 goal has already been reached. Currently there is $60,000 worth of pledges, with still over a month to go.
GoPano micro ? Capture 360� videos from an iPhone 4 [Kickstarter via PetaPixel]
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